Award Winning Author, Blogger, and Speaker
Step into the mind of April M. Jackson-Hunter where your every literary fantasy could come true. From stories that empower the soul to LGBTQ+ Fiction and Paranormal Romance. But keep in mind every fantasy comes with a price. If your ready Let's play!
Take a peek inside to find everything from my latest work to past projects.
The Queen of Hearts
April M. Jackson-Hunter has always been a creative visionary conjuring up stories using her vivid imagination. It wasn't until her life was touched by violent trauma that her passion would turn into desperation. The very thing she used to express herself would be the thing she needed to save her life.
Feel free to checkout her story in the Bio section. Get in touch if you’ve got any comments, questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello. April M. Jackson-Hunter would be more than happy to hear from you.

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